Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to do one thiong at a time. Blog 16

            In the article "How to do one thing at a time," adapted from Women health magazine states that doing two things at the same time is bad. The writer further gave the understanding that we can accomplish one task. Studies show that the individual whose main objective is to complete one task,was successful in contrast to those who perform many. Although, to some it has become a habit, it can be corrected through the practice of yoga and acupuncture
          I agree with the article because of the fact that multi-tasking is not only bad, but can be a disgusting habit to develop. People try to do too many things at the same time and ending doing nothing.One typical example of this is, when you go into an office to conduct business,you will notice that the person who is suppose to take care of you is turning pages in files,talking on the phone, and entering data in a computer, while to take care of your business,She keeps asking you, what you say? because she is not focus on what she is doing.
          Something interesting caught my attention while reading this article, is that a friend of mine, is paying dearly for this.It happen to him a year ago.He was driving his truck when his cell phone rang, he picked it up and started talking on it.Not realising that his concentration was shifting from his driving  due to the conversation on the phone he had a fatal accident in which one of the occupant in the other vehicle died. He was charged and appeared in court, where he was found guilty. he was sentence and is now in jail. This is a typical example of muli-tasking is not only wrong,but it can be fatal.
           Concluding,I would not only say muli-tasking is wrong,it can cost a lot of wasted years. Multi-tasking can make you lose any given situation. Until we can realize and correct this habit we will still be trying to accomplish a complete in a day.Studies show that we can reverse his habit and regain control of our concentration  through the practice of yoga and acupunture.

Friday, May 6, 2011

blog 11 "An education in citizenship"

In an exerpt in the Chicago Tribune,the article states, that students who are legal, should be afforded a good education at an affordable cost. Education is one of our highly rated asset,therefore it is unwise for them to be without a basic education. The article further states that illegal citizens are receiving better benefits than citizens. The parents of citizens are paying taxes which contributes to the colleges and universities grant, while illegal citizens don't make any contributions. So it should not be that citizens pay more than illegal citizens for education.
                     If illegal citizens pay less for education than legal citizens, then legal citizens would find it  more difficult to pay an education. If this happens,then the state and the country as whole would suffer. This would mean that there would be a shortage of professional experts to fill vacancies that may occur in the future. Illegal citizes don't pay taxes while legal citizens do, in so doing, they are keeping alive our educational system.
                      Most citizens, because of the high cost of education are barely able to obtain it,while illegal citizens are paying lessThis brings to an example. A good friend of mine decided  that it is a wise move to complete his education. When he found out about the cost, it led him to believe that illegal citizens are paying less tutionthan citizens, this caused him not to worry about the idea.
                     In conclusion, I believe that legal citizens must not be paying more for education than illegal citizens.If you look at the facts of the article, you will see that the legal citizens contributes to the upkeep of the educational institutions nationwide, through the taxes that the pay. Also that this outdated law should be modified. Legal citizens and their parents who wants a sound education for their kids,should protest to thispiece of law becomes history.

blog 12 "Consequentlism".

    In the movie " Gone baby gone", the police captain Remyand Lionel took Amanda away from her mom.Linoel taught that Amanda would be better off with the captain than her mother Helene, who was a drug addict.She didn't care for Amanda' and would often go to get high, leaving Amanda with anybody. Patrick and his girlfriend Angie, were the private detectives who was retained with the responsibility of solving the case involvingAmanda's kidnap.
             At first, Patrick and Angie never had any suspicion that the captain was involved in the conspiracy.They also noticedd the type of individual Helene was. Lionel the hild's uncle,brought Amanda out of her mother's house and gave her to Remy. He taught that by doing so Amanda would enjoy a better future and  and a family who would care for her.
          After becoming more involved in the case, Patrick and Angie started to realise who were the persons involve in the case. Eventually, after sorting out the information , Patrick realises that the captain Remy was the central figure behind the kidnapping.He told Angie about his finding. Angie then disagree with his action. She, like all the other characters in the movie,believed that the kidnapping was for the betterment of the child. Besides Patrick made a promise to Helene, that he would bring her child.
            Both captain Remy and Patrick displayed what we would call ethical absolutismin different ways.The captain on account of his past experience with his daughter, taught tha by taking Amanda, he was trying to save her from a bleak futureand did it without fear of the consequences. On the other hand, Patrick,who a different idea. He believes that it was wrong for them to kidnap Amanda from her mother's home wether the mother was a drug addict or not.He also made Helene a promise that he would bring Amanda home.Murder is murder, whether the means justify the end, it is wrong and must be condemn forcely. There was never a good lie or a bad lie. When we do things that are just or unjust.we have to live with the consequences, wether bad or good.