In an exerpt in the Chicago Tribune,the article states, that students who are legal, should be afforded a good education at an affordable cost. Education is one of our highly rated asset,therefore it is unwise for them to be without a basic education. The article further states that illegal citizens are receiving better benefits than citizens. The parents of citizens are paying taxes which contributes to the colleges and universities grant, while illegal citizens don't make any contributions. So it should not be that citizens pay more than illegal citizens for education.
If illegal citizens pay less for education than legal citizens, then legal citizens would find it more difficult to pay an education. If this happens,then the state and the country as whole would suffer. This would mean that there would be a shortage of professional experts to fill vacancies that may occur in the future. Illegal citizes don't pay taxes while legal citizens do, in so doing, they are keeping alive our educational system.
Most citizens, because of the high cost of education are barely able to obtain it,while illegal citizens are paying lessThis brings to an example. A good friend of mine decided that it is a wise move to complete his education. When he found out about the cost, it led him to believe that illegal citizens are paying less tutionthan citizens, this caused him not to worry about the idea.
In conclusion, I believe that legal citizens must not be paying more for education than illegal citizens.If you look at the facts of the article, you will see that the legal citizens contributes to the upkeep of the educational institutions nationwide, through the taxes that the pay. Also that this outdated law should be modified. Legal citizens and their parents who wants a sound education for their kids,should protest to thispiece of law becomes history.
In the first body paragraph, where is the significant idea you have chosen to respond to?